Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Dad is My Hero


                Father is a important person who is everybody in the world should love ,
     such as me. My father makes me born to be a human in order to see the social
     world. He protect me and takecare of me with love. He instructs me to be a good
      person.   Therefore , My father is my hero.
                        He teach everything I don’t know. When I was young , my father take
     care of me   as well as my mother . When I have problem about knowledge in
     school such as science , mathematic , Melay language and drawing. I can ask my
     father everything I can’t understand. He teach me with persistence and give many
     examples to explain me and make me understand. During in my admission exam
     to the university. He work hardly to be a tutor for me. Finally , I can study in
     Politeknik Port Dickson. As I expect. The instruction
     of my father maker me know many things in this world for example , how to live
     and adjust in every surround.
                       He protect me from danger. For the past , when I was eight years old. I
     fell into the swimming pool in the hotel. That time , I could not swim. I thought
     that I could not survive. Then my father jumped into the swimming pool to save
     me. This event makes me know that hero really have in the world.
                     He is a good model for me. since I was born. I know that he loves me
      more than the other and he never hates me when he was angry. He is a doctor.
      He   work hard and help many people with kindness. He is a great leader who I
     should imitate. He lead me to be a good person. Especially , about honesty, he said,
     “ Honesty is a good habit that the good person must have “ Now I am confident that
     I am honest in every situation and with my friends.
                     My father is my hero that really have in the world. He is very excellent in
     everyway. I love him very much at this time.

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